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Home Overview Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software
Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software
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Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software截图 Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software截图 Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software截图
Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software
Scanahand creates fonts that you can use like any other font, so please use them in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe illustrations, illustrations, and more.
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Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software

Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software


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Creating your own font has never been so simple.

Scanahand creates fonts that you can use like any other font, so please use them in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe illustrations, illustrations, and more.

You can even use fonts on Macintosh computers, and because Scanhand allows you to save fonts as web fonts, you can even use them on your website!

How does it work?

Simply print the template, use black markers or felt tipped pens to draw all characters, and scan your drawing.

Scanahand will build fonts and install them on Windows for your use. You don't need to use other graphics software, but power users and enthusiasts can use Scanhand and their favorite graphics software to create or modify every character of their font. Therefore, even without a printer and scanner, you can still create custom fonts.

  • Scan your template

Scan your template directly from within Scanhand or select pre scanned images on your hard drive.

  • Generate font

Generating fonts only takes a few minutes, depending on the selected template and computer speed.

  • Test font

After generating the font, you can preview and test the font. If you are satisfied with the results, you can directly install the font from within Scandinand

  • template editor

The advanced version includes a template editor that allows you to define your own templates so that you can decide which characters will be included in your font.

  • Fix spacing and add spacing

The adjustment indicator function will find the optimal optical space before and after each Latin based character. Optionally add corner characters to the font.

  • individuation

Certain specific data can be stored in fonts, such as copyright notices and the name of the font designer, as well as font embedding rights.

Scanahand 8 Handwritten Font Creation and Generation Tool Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.high-logic.com/font-generator/scanahand

Download Center:https://scanahand.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manually processing orders

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports English interface display.

Update instructions:This product includes an official 6-month upgrade protection policy, and all updates within 6 months after purchase can be upgraded for free. And it supports subsequent minor version upgrades, such as v14. x

Pre purchase trial:30 day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:You can install and use it on your own computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:12 months of official email technical support.

Reference materials:https://www.high-logic.com/font-generator/scanahand

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